martes, 10 de marzo de 2009

Revolutionary British search engine will be as important as Google

Revolutionary British search engine will be as important as Google

A renowned British physicist is launching a new internet search engine in May, which experts said could be as important as Google.

Professor Stephen Wolfram, founder of software company Wolfram Research, announced that work was almost finished on the first phase of his 'computational knowledge engine.'

Most search engines like Google and Yahoo scan through billions of web pages for keywords or phrases and return a series of documents that may contain the answer to your question, or point you in the right direction.

'We can only answer questions that have been literally asked before. We can look things up, but we can’t figure anything new out,' Professor Wolfram said.

However, the London-born physicist claims his website 'Wolfram Alpha' can understand what you are looking for and calculate a single precise answer.

(Enlace al artículo completo)

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